About Me

I love cereal. I have loved it for as long as I can remember. My parents used to tease me because I would eat it two or three times a day. My brother had no concerns about taking a job at General Mills after graduate school because I single-handedly keep that company in business. It's cheap, it's easy and all that fiber certainly keeps the system moving! 

Sometime in my twenties I realized there was more to life than food that comes out of a box. And with four growing boys, plus a husband, to feed everyday, morning, noon and night and in between I've been building a collection of meal plans that are better than cereal! 

The biggest challenge seems to be time. Time to plan the meals, time to shop for the ingredients and time to cook the food (while the children need help with homework and a ride to piano lessons and the baby needs a diaper change and to be taken off the counter. How did he get up there in the first place?). My friend recently posted on Facebook: "Seriously people.....what's for dinner tonight? And why do I have to make it EVERY day?!" So this is for you, Carissa, and all the men and women like you who are trying to make the daily cooking task easier. I hope it helps!


  1. Mel I love it!!!! This is GREAT! I'm sorry but your hubby and boys are hard to please, because I'm lookin' and I'm likin'! The pics are pretty good and your recipes are easy and simple to follow. Excited to see what you post next! xoxo Sarah

  2. You are so amazing! I love how you see a need and make things happen! I will be checking back often for recipes :)
