Friday, October 30, 2015

Better Days Tips-Think of Your Favorite Things

A week ago I didn't write a new quote on the chalkboard. I left space for everyone to write what some of their favorite things are. It was fun to see what all my guys added. And good to spend time thinking about what and who we love.

Better Days-Travel Light

We can all tell a tale or two about a terrible traveling experience. But very few people can top my friend Amy's* story. Amy was on the plane with her children. Enough said, right?! She took one son to the bathroom. She helped him, which was tricky in such a tight space for two people, and then needed to use the toilet too. Amy turned around, sat down and, to her horror, started to feel warm liquid running down the back of her legs and onto her pants. The toilet seat lid had closed and she didn't realize it! She had to wrap a sweater around her bum to cover her wet pants and sit in it the rest of the flight.

But that could never happen to you, right? What about your checked bag showing up in a different country than you arrived in? Or maybe the bag does arrive in the country with you but you can't get through customs fast enough and someone else mistakes your bag for theirs and takes it. That happened to me in Spain.

To avoid these scenarios and so many others, help yourself out and pack light when you travel! Pack light enough that you don't have to check your bag and can keep it with you at all times.

When my husband was unexpectedly sent to Europe right around his birthday we decided to make a couples trip out of it. After his work I met him in Munich for a trip we'd been dreaming about for 17 years. I was there for 12 days. If you can believe it, all I had with me is pictured above!

And if that doesn't shock you, then the fact that I took this same luggage and large handbag with me two weeks later on a trip that lasted 24 days should impress you! How did I do it? I consulted for travel advice. Rick Steves has travelled Europe for decades. He knows the best ways to pack.

Here are a few tips that helped me:
1. Bring the smallest size toiletries possible. I packed all my liquids in one airport security approved bag. That also made getting ready in the morning easier because I just had one little bag to grab. On the first trip I learned how long the hairsprays, the shampoos, the contact cleaners and other things would last me. It was easy to restock on the 24 day trip. There was no reason to bring all that I needed for more than three weeks from the beginning.
2. Do laundry! I didn't need 12 different outfits for Europe! I brought versatile outfits and I did laundry when they were dirty. I did the best I could to limit the shoes I brought. Shoes take up a lot of space!
3. Don't take a hairdryer. I never needed one anyways. All the hotels had one. Or I threw my hair back in a pony tail and spent time exploring amazing places instead of being in a bathroom doing my hair! I did take a hairdryer on the 24 day trip but I didn't take as many shoes on that trip. You have to be strict with yourself on your load. It's so easy to come and go with only a small roller bag and a big purse.
4. Check the size requirements for carry on bags on international flights. These rules have changed recently. You don't want to go to all the work of packing light only to have your bag checked because it's too big.

Give it a try! You can do it! Once you do you will never go back to lugging around huge bags on your trips! And if you happen to have an accident between your house and your destination you'll have clothes to change in to!

*name changed to protect the identity of my embarrassed friend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Better Books-The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

When someone asks me, "How do you keep your house clean?" I'm pretty sure we are both adding the same thing to the rest of that question-"How do you keep your house clean with four boys?!" It's no small feat keeping the Legos, Bakugans, Skylanders, Beyblades, Pokemon cards and basketballs off the carpet and in their homes! 

I used to think that keeping the house clean meant throwing all that "random, don't know what to do with this" stuff in the unfinished basement space. But I don't have a basement anymore now that I live in Texas! And, the "throw it all in the basement and close the door" mentality was a problem too. When I needed documents I had to sift through bags of it on the floor. When I went in that room to organize it I usually walked back out because I was overwhelmed by the task. No room in our homes should be overwhelmingly awful! Our spaces should contribute to us feeling happy. 

Once I moved to Texas and had to open every box and find a home for it's contents a major change occurred in my life. I found the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and in it found tools for how to make good decisions about what stayed in my home and what didn't. I no longer looked at a gift and felt I had to keep it. The gift had served its purpose. It was a symbol of friendship and love. I still cherished the friend and the kindness shown me. But I didn't have to store the Christmas decoration year after year and never use it, or dust it or look at it. Too many things are just too many things! 

I looked at my books. I LOVE books. But in about an hour my husband and I went through all our boxes of books and kept about 1/3 of them. Those "I really should read this" books were given away. I had never read them and didn't have any idea when I would so I released them into the world to benefit someone else!

All my clothes were looked at with the thought "Does this bring me joy?" If the answer was yes I kept it. If the answer was no I gave it away or tossed it. And I still do this. When I notice I haven't worn a shirt in a while I ask myself why. I recently took 10 items out of my closet that I never wore. I have now made room for cute new things that I will wear. And, as a side note, this was a great thing to do at the end of summer. All the summer clothes were on clearance so I found good deals on the new items! 

Now all the boxes are gone. Everything has a place where it lives in our home. When I need to get something out for a craft project I know just where to find what I need. When we need to replace batteries or lights I know where they are. When I bring food home from the grocery store everything has a place to go. It's a life-changing, freeing, happy way to live! Having an organized home full of items that bring me joy (like the reading chair I purchased when I considered what type of life-style I wanted in my home) is a wonderful way to live.

And back to that question of how we keep it clean with all these boys-we have worked with them to have a home for each of their toys. The hot wheels have a bucket. The Legos have a bucket. When it's time to clean the playroom everything has a place to go. And if it's not put in its place we have another motivator-the Marmalade Monster! 

One day I found a tote bag I wasn't using anymore. I gave it to the boys, along with some permanent markers, and told them to decorate it and come up with a name for it. Thus, the Marmalade Monster was born! This monster comes out without warning. Usually it comes out after bedtime or after the boys have gone to school and left their toys all over. The toys eaten by the Marmalade Monster are not returned until the weekend. And sometimes we forget to bring it out for weeks since no one actually misses what has been eaten! But when the monster gives back what has been taken the boys have a set amount of time to put the toys away, throw them away or if they are left again I get to decide what to do with them!

Berry Banana Twist

adapted from

1 c frozen strawberries
1 c frozen blackberries
1 banana, peeled
1/4-1/2 c greek vanilla yogurt
1 c orange juice
1 c water
1-2 tsp flax chia seed blend

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

I like to add the flax chia blend to my smoothies for the extra omega-3's and protein. You really don't notice it's there.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Apple Crisp

It's fall and the perfect time to make apple crisp!


  • 10 cups peeled, sliced Granny Smith apples (about 5 medium apples)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 heaping teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
  • 1/2 cup salted butter, melted
  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13" pan.
  • 2
    To make the filling, place the sliced apples in the prepared 9x13" pan, Mix together the remaining filling ingredients and sprinkle over the apples, then toss to evenly coat the apples. Set aside.
  • 3
    To make the topping, toss together all the topping ingredients except for the butter until well-mixed. Drizzle the butter over the mixture and stir to combine. Evenly distribute the topping over the apple mixture.
  • 4
    Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes. When done baking, serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream.

    The easiest way to peel and cut the apples is a tool such as the one I have pictured below. 

    Husband rating: 4.5 stars
    Boys say: thumbs up

Quotes-Never Give Up

Run! 26.2 Stories of Blisters and Bliss by Dean Karnzes is one of my favorite books. Yes, I love to run but I would love this book even if I didn't run. Dean is superhuman. Really, he can do things most people can't. He can run farther than most people and write better than most people too! He also inspires people by doing what he loves. He not only tells people life is better when you get out and are active, he shows them. His writing is humorous and real. 

This quote is from his first 100 mile race. When he was near the end and didn't think the could go one step more his father told him this. 

We all have our challenges. Whatever they are remember to keep going, crawl if you must, but keep moving forward!

Two at the Zoo A Counting Book

Two at the Zoo
by Danna Smith
Illustrated by Valeria Petrone

A boy and his grandfather go to the zoo. They have a great day discovering the animals. Along the way they also get to practice counting to 10. The illustrations keep you smiling on each page.

One Boy

One Boy
by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

This is a clever counting book with surprises on each page. A word is used on one page and then part of that word is also used on the next page in a new word. This is fun to read multiple times and rediscover the way the cutouts in the pages work for each new thought.

Kangaroo and Cricket

Kangaroo and Cricket
by Lorianne Siomades

This book helps children discover what two different things have in common. Our boys enjoyed hunting for the hidden worms in the pictures. I like the simplicity and the colors of the illustrations. 

Shhhhh! Everybody's Sleeping

Shhhhh! Everybody's Sleeping
Written by Julie Markes
Illustrated by David Parkins

This book is clever because for each person it shows sleeping it shows a room full of things from that person's day. For example, a farmer has a barn-shaped bed. The baker has baked goodies in her room. This is a great book for talking about different occupations. The illustrations are terrific.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Favorite Toys and Games

With Christmas right around the corner I've been thinking about the toys and games that are winners. These are the toys that are still loved weeks and months after Christmas Day. Hopefully this gives you ideas for your family's wish list!


Whenever we tell someone about Qwirkle they have usually not heard of it. I love the square wooden pieces of this game. You match the color or the shape and make new lines. You score points for using your pieces. You earn a Qwirkle-12 points-when you finish a line of a color or shape. The person with the most points at the end of the game wins. It's easy to see why this is an award winning game.

We play Rummikub with a speedy twist. We allow everyone to pick their tiles and then we say Go! Everyone plays as fast as they can! There are no turns or waiting for someone to strategize. We've played this way with two people on a team and arms are flying all over the place to grab a needed tile! It's fast, fun and everyone 5 and up can play it.

Hoot Owl Hoot is a unique game. The players work together to get all the owls back to the nest before the sun comes up. It's a great way to play as a team where you win or lose as a team. This game is appropriate for ages 3 and up.

King of Tokyo is a really interesting game. You pick a monster and try to be the King of Tokyo by earning 20 victory points or being the last monster standing. This game is different every time. Several different strategies can be tried. We bought it for our six-year-old, who can play it if we read the cards to him, but our 9-13 year-olds want to play it as often, if not more. 

Big Picture Apples to Apples is a great game for everyone. I love the concept of choosing a picture to match a word. The younger players learn new vocabulary. It's funny to see what pictures are chosen. It's also funny to see what the judge chooses each round. One word of caution: I did remove about 20 of the cards that I didn't think were family friendly. I'm probably overly cautious but it's a good idea to go through the cards and make sure you feel good about all of them before you start game play.

Spot It! is a fast-paced game of matching that only takes a couple of minutes to play. And once the round is over the kids will be asking to play again! I still don't know how they make every card have one match with every other card. It's amazing!

We forgot to bring Word on the Street to a family reunion once and we were in big trouble! My husband's competitive siblings enjoy this game. There are two teams. Each team is given a topic and has to come up with a word that will pull letters to their side of the street (the game board) before the time runs out. Once a team captures six letters that team wins. It's a fast-paced fun game.


Legos! You can't go wrong with Legos. Our boys play longest with the castle sets. We have one castle set and one dragon set and they have battles. They love the mini figures that come with the sets. The imaginative play with the figures is great. Once the boys take apart a set they keep the pieces all in a large bucket and go to that on rainy afternoons to make new creations. My nieces like the sets with the cityscapes such as a fair ground with rides.

Every remote control anything we've bought has broken! I had decided to never buy a remote control toy again until we went to visit family and saw our nephew's helicopter. It crashed over and over (he was still learning how to fly it) and kept flying! Three of our boys used their money to buy this Syma S107G 3.5 Channel RC Helicopter with Gyro and all three still work. For about $20 you can't go wrong with this toy.

For the little ones these non-toxic foam Wonder Blocks are the perfect gift. I know they will leave you with blocks all over your floor, but at least they are soft! They can go in the bath, they can go in the mouth (doesn't everything a one-year-old touches?!), they can become a castle for your favorite animals or a garage for your Hot Wheels. 

I did not buy this for our boys! What parent wants to bring sand in the house?! This was a gift and it was a hit! As long as we kept the sand on a cookie sheet we were able to contain most of it. And it really is fun to play with.

Of all the indoor hoops we've tried this is the best one. We attached this SKLZ Pro Mini Hoop X-Large to my sons wall. He and his father, his brothers, his friends and even I have played basketball in his room. This hoop has held up to all that play. This hoop has provided hours of enjoyment.

Magformers are expensive! But they are fun. We've had ours for years and none have broken. We've made everything from crowns to balls to rockets. Magformers are great for girls or boys.

What little boy doesn't love nerf guns? But then you have nerf darts all over your house! And the darts break. We bought two of these Lazer Tag packs. This way we can have teams of two playing against each other. When friends come over they love this active game. 

Note: I have not been paid by anyone or been given these games or toys for a review. I'm sharing what our family likes. If you have a family favorite game or toy please share it in the comments!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Our family loves Disneyland! We have been many times. Each year I search through all the hotels and vacation rental options again to find the best accommodations depending on how many are in our group, ages, etc. To save myself time trying to remember all the details about each property and to hopefully help you on your Disney Lodgings search, I've compiled a list of facts about the hotels we've stayed at.  Click on the link below to see the information.

Disney Tips:
1.  Stay somewhere with a good breakfast included. It it wonderful to wake up to a big breakfast that you don't have to prepare. It gets the kids off to a good start too!

2.  Don't sleep in! If you want to get on as many rides as you can as quickly as you can get to the park early. Lines will form long before the park opens just to get in. It may not seem worth it then, but it will be!

3.  Plan your play. If you have a favorite ride you just have to do then go there first!  Or learn how to use the express passes so you can get those first and then do some other rides in the area while you're waiting for your express pass time. It's much too big a place to walk all over randomly going from one ride to the next! Make a plan to maximize your energy and time there. These trips cost a lot of time,  money and effort. Make the most of it!

4.  Enjoy a show or parade. In the middle of the day catch the Aladdin play or a Disney Junior Show. It's a great way to get inside where it's cool and give your kids and your feet a rest. Or plan to sit along the parade route with a snack while you wait for your favorite characters. This is also a good time to take a bathroom break. But, if you are a thrill seeker go to the big rides during the parades and fireworks shows!!! You will find shorter lines at those times.

5.  Take a picture with your favorite character. We made autograph books one year and the kids never touched them after we got home. They do, however, look at their pictures with Mickey and Buzz Lightyear and they love them! Pictures are great, inexpensive, reminders of a fun trip.

6.  Consider the logistics. If you are traveling with an infant undoubtedly you have a stroller, diaper bag, blankets, sunblock, hats, etc etc. If you stay farther from the resort you'll have to pack all that up on to the shuttle and then unpack it and get all situated when you get to Disneyland. If you drive and park at the resort you'll have to pack the stroller and everything up to get on the shuttle from the parking lot to the entrance. Most of the hotels near the entrance are not fancy. But, you can walk out the door and be in the park without waiting on shuttles (which is very important at the end of the day when everyone is tired and all the other people at the park are leaving at the same time). So consider what you'll have with you and how to make getting to and from as easy as possible. Also, if you have a little one, plan some down time. When we've stayed across the street we've been able to take kids back for a nap and easily return to the park for more playing after everyone is rested. Or, one of us has gone back with the younger ones and one has stayed in the park with the older ones. It's easier to do this on your own if you don't have to deal with parking or shuttle and hauling everything on your own. And that afternoon down time is a great idea! You'll have a better second half of the day if you do this.

7.  How do I feel about character dining? I have mixed feelings about this. It's fun to see the characters. You don't have to wait in lines. They come to you and you can take lots of pictures. They also lead entertainment like beating on pots to the music.  But, ours was a buffet. We were walking back and forth getting food for the kids and for us. We didn't want to miss characters. It wasn't relaxing in any way, let's just put it that way. And it was very expensive. We did it once and don't plan to again. But I have friends who say that was their family's favorite part of the trip. You'll have to see what your budget and tastes are.

8.  Enjoy the magic of it! You have to expect the kids are going to get tired and possibly cranky, even at the happiest place on earth. They are kids! I once stood in a line behind a father who said to his crying daughter, "If you don't cheer up we are going to leave." This is me on my soapbox, but really? That father wasn't going anywhere and his daughter knew it. And how many times has someone threatening you made you so happy?! Parent how you will, but don't get uptight if you all get a little tired at some point. It's sensory overload combined with great expectations!

Watch your child's face as he or she comes off a ride. Dance to the music playing on Main Street. Bring costumes for your little prince or princess to wear. When does a little girl get to dress up as a princess and go see a castle?! Just have a great time and enjoy it! If you follow some of the above tips you'll increase your odds of a great trip!

Chickens to the Rescue

Chicken to the Rescue
by John Himmelman

This story is about a family on a farm. When they have trouble their chickens come to help. The chickens are silly and full of energy so there's no telling what will happen when they show up.

Children will enjoy the humorous illustrations as they learn the days of the week.

Blueberry Blast

adapted from

1/2 c white grape juice
1/4 c vanilla greek yogurt
1/2 banana
1/2 c frozen blueberries
around 6 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

My rating: 4 stars
Boys say: wow! thumbs up

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Shh! We Have a Plan

Shh! We Have a Plan
by Chris Haughton

This book has it all. It has an interesting style. It has a fun and funny story. It shares the story with very few words. This is a keeper you'll want to own in your family library.

Can't Sleep Without Sheep

Can't Sleep Without Sheep
by Susanna Lender Hill
Illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka

Oh bedtime. That wonderful time of day for parents. But that awful time of day for kids! In this book the sheep are tired of being counted and try to find replacements for Ava to count. It turns out the sheep are hard to replace! This book is a clever take on that sometimes tricky job of trying to fall asleep.

Entryway Ideas

I don't know where the idea for this coat rack came from, but I had it in my head that I wanted to buy a cabinet door and turn it into a coat rack with a collection of fun drawer pulls. I found this cabinet door being sold on craigslist. I bought the five different knobs from Hobby Lobby. I love that store! I also bought a hanging system from Lowe's for about $12. It has a strip of metal that goes on the cabinet door and one that goes on the wall. Then the two slide into each other. It was really simple to hang. The metal from the knobs stuck out too far in the back of the cabinet door so I used a dremel tool to cut off the excess metal. That was exciting! Sparks were flying everywhere! 

Right now I have the "Hey Y'all" sign (from Hobby Lobby-I wanted a little Texas in this space!) but I plan to change it out with something for Christmas in another month or so. 

The bench I bought on Etsy. It's a great collection spot for all the shoes that people take off as they come in the house.

I suggest checking places like, home decor magazines or your favorite HGTV show for ideas for your home. It's a great way to take what you like and copy that for your space.

More Home Improving Tips!

I love our shower, but outside the shower there is not a good place for a towel rack. We tried a three tier towel rack over a nearby door but that was inconvenient. These Command hooks were the perfect solution. They have never fallen off our shower door. I also put chalkboard stickers above the hooks with "his" and "hers" on them to help us remember where to put our towel! And because they are cute. 

Home Improvement

Our little toilet room in our master bathroom had nothing but a toilet and a toilet paper holder. We needed a space for extra toilet paper. I wanted a space for reading material (other than the back of the toilet because that's a dangerous spot to put anything!). I also found that I frequently pulled my cell phone out of my pocket before using this room and ended up putting it on the floor. All these problems for one little room!

Target and Hobby Lobby to the rescue! As much fun as it would, or would not, have been to build custom shelves in the space above the toilet I knew I needed something faster than that. I found this decorative shelf at Target. All I had to do was hang it on the wall and place my toilet paper in it. Score!

I also found the little shelf there and installed that above a wall basket that I bought at Hobby Lobby. I put my cell phone on this shelf where it is safely off the floor and away from the toilet. 

I may not actually spend a lot of time in this room, but it sure makes a difference, even for the short visits, to have it be more functional and decorated.

Use Vertical Space

Do you have laundry baskets all over the place?! We used to. Then we decided to use the vertical space in our master closet to hold all those baskets. We bought these hooks at Lowe's. We put them into a stud and hung the baskets on them. EASY! 

I used a permanent marker to mark which basket was for which person or type of laundry. With six of us in the house it seemed like I was always wondering which room or person the bucket belonged to. It's simple and probably something I should have figured out long ago! 

Permanent markers and hooks from Lowe's-it doesn't get much easier than that! I wish all my problems were that easy to solve!

Cornbread Muffins

from, submitted by: Anne O. Nymous

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 egg, beaten

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease 12 muffin cups or better yet, put 12 muffin cups in your muffin pan! Have the kids help with this. Little hands love this job!

Mix flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Add buttermilk, butter, and egg; mix well. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups.
Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 12 to 15 minutes. Cool in the pans 10 to 15 minutes before removing from pan to cool completely on a wire rack.

I love these muffins because they hold together better than my previous cornbread recipe. It's really hard to get all that wonderful honey butter on the bread when it's falling apart! So this recipe solved that problem!

To make honey butter: add 2 tsp of honey to 1/2 c softened butter

Husband rating: 4 stars
Boys say: thumbs up

Sweet Potato Chili

It's fall and time for another hearty warm dinner recipe! Dig in to this deliciousness. This chili is healthy, easy and inexpensive.

 adapted from

1 tablespoon oil
1 yellow onion, sliced
1⁄2 lbs turkey or chopped chicken
1 1/2-2 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons taco seasoning
3 sweet potatoes, skin removed and chopped into small pieces (this was about 6 cups)
3 cloves garlic
2 cups water
2-3 cups broth (start with 2)
1 14-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
1⁄4 teaspoon cayenne for spice (more to taste!)

Heat the oil over medium high heat in a heavy, deep pot. Add the onion, turkey, 1 tablespoon chili powder, and 1 tablespoon taco seasoning. When the turkey is browned and the onions are soft, remove from the pan and set aside.

Add the sweet potatoes to the same pot with the remaining spices and stir to combine. When the sweet potatoes have browned just slightly, add the garlic, water, and broth. Bring to a low boil and simmer for 10 minutes or so, until the sweet potatoes are very soft.

Add the browned turkey, black beans, and cayenne - stir to combine.

Pinch of Yum Notes
The saltiness and flavor of the soup will depend on your taco seasoning. I added some salt and pepper and the end, which I recommend - just taste and adjust as you need to. At the risk of sounding crazy, I also added a spoonful or two of brown sugar and some red wine vinegar to give it some tang. I also added about a cup of cooked quinoa a few times to make it a little more hearty - that was good, too. You can top this with sour cream, cilantro, cheese, red onions, tortilla chips, avocado, or whatever else you like! The third cup of broth can be added at the end if you feel like it needs to be thinned out at all.

My Notes:
The original recipe called for using a blender to puree the potatoes after they cooked. So I did that. But I won't do it next time. I think the texture will be more appealing as I've written the recipe here. Also, if you use left over turkey from Thanksgiving don't put it in with the onions at the beginning. I would throw it in at the end with the beans. I also didn't use any cayenne at the end and thought the spice level was perfect as it was.

Husband rating: 4.5 stars
boys say: thumbs up

Monday, October 5, 2015

I Know a Rhino

I Know A Rhino
By Charles Fuge

I Know a Rhino is fun. The illustrations are bright, simple and humorous. There is a clever twist at the end. I like this board book version because I don't have to worry about the toddlers ripping the pages. This is a family favorite.

When a Dragon Moves In

When a Dragon Moves In
By Jodi Moore
Illustrated by Howard McWillaim

The illustrations in this book are wonderful. I love that the story captures all the fun activities a family can enjoy together at the beach. I love the humor. I love that the story isn't long. Far too many children's books have too many words and I find myself retelling the story in a concise version so I don't loose my 3-6 year-old's attention.  Bottom line: my seven-year-old read it five times today!  It's a keeper.

A Number of Dinosaurs

A Number of Dinosaurs
By Paul Stickland

A Number of Dinosaurs is a pop-up book like you've never seen it before. As you add more dinosaurs the pop-ups get bigger and bigger until a huge finale! This is a great way to practice counting to 10. And I haven't met a child yet who doesn't love dinosaurs!

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanks for Thanksgiving
By Julie Markes
Illustrated by Doris Barrette

This is my favorite Thanksgiving book. Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes gets your mind thinking of all you have to be thankful for. Its target audience is children, but I love it just as much as my kids. The illustrations are appealing. Cuddle up with your little blessings this fall and remember all you have to be thankful for with this book!

Better Books

The beauty of a blog is the ability to share with others things I love. 

I love reading great children's books to children. I love that for a minute their active little bodies slow down and they listen. I love to watch their eyes as they light up with a clever or funny spot in a story. I love asking them what they would do or what they think will happen next and getting a peek into their imaginations. And I love cuddling with my boys with a good book in our hands. 

There are shelves upon shelves of children's books at your library. Each book that makes this list has been approved by my boys. I hope this makes it easier for you to find a treasure to enjoy with the young ones in your life.