Thursday, November 5, 2015

Better Lunches

By this time of year you might be getting sick of making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your kids to take for lunch! You check the lunch menu at school and decide that you'd rather make lunch than have them buy nachos (really? how is that a lunch?) or hamburgers or pizza, yet again. You want your children to have healthy eating habits and, unfortunately, that school lunch just isn't cutting it. But what can you and your children pack for lunches each day? Here are a few tip to mix it up and keep it healthy.

  • This time of year I start making soups again. Last night I made Chicken Wild Rice Soup and had enough left to pack in a thermos. This thermos is the perfect size for a lunch box. And it's nice that the boys can have a warm lunch some days. If you don't have time to make soup buy the canned kind. Maybe you could get a Mexican chicken soup and add apple slices, tortilla chips and guacamole. You can also send left over pasta, stew or chili. There are ways to make it fun and give the kids something to look forward to.
  • When you need to keep a lunch cold these ice packs are very handy. They give you more options when you're making a lunch. You can find these in the grocery store or even online at sites like

  • Try ham and cheese on a bagel. I don't know why but anything on a bagel seems more fun to my boys. 
  • Make a turkey wrap. Inside a tortilla put honey mustard, turkey, provolone cheese and spinach leaves and wrap it up. 
  • Club sandwich-If you've made bacon that morning save some for a sandwich. Bacon, turkey, cheese, lettuce and a tomato will make a sandwich that is filling. Don't forget the whole grain bread.
  • Peanut butter banana tortilla. Yes, you read that right. I know, I think it's weird too, but my kids like to have a tortilla with peanut butter on one half. Then we slice a half a banana and put those slices on the peanut butter. We fold the tortilla over and you have something my 6 yr old will eat! 
  • Peanut butter and honey sandwich. On whole wheat bread this sandwich will give the kids some energy but leave them with some protein that will keep them going for a while. We like the thick honey that comes in tubs.
  • For little ones you can get away with finger foods for a lunch. Put turkey, ham slices or even jerky, cheese slices or string cheese, crackers, and veggies or fruits all in little baggies. It's a fun way to have something different for lunch.
  • For sides try to avoid the chips. It's easy and quick but there isn't anything good in them for your kids. Always reach for the fruits and veggies first. Kids don't always like veggies, but they do like to dip their food. I have bought compartment tupperware where one part is smaller for the ranch and one part is bigger for the baby carrots, sugar snap peas or cherub tomatoes. I find my boys will eat their apples if I cut them up at home instead of putting a whole apple in their lunch box. Grapes, chopped melons, strawberries, bananas are all good options. Also, yogurts and string cheeses are good side options. This is where those ice packs will come in handy! And don't forget the plastic spoon so your little one can eat the yogurt.
  • I would recommend not putting a treat in the lunch box every day. It creates a habit of always having something sweet after a meal. That's not a good habit! Every now and then makes it a treat. Every day makes it a habit.
  • Don't forget to add a note! Once in a while I'll put a note on the napkin or on a sticky note and toss it in with the lunch. It's a fun way for my children to know I'm thinking about them while they are away from home. My mother used to do this for me and it made me feel special. Draw a funny face, tell them something you appreciate about them, tell them you love them. These little acts create positive moments that strengthen a relationship. 

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