Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seasoned Pork Chops and Rice Pilaf

I had the opportunity to live in Spain during college.  I remember going to the Corpus Christi celebration in Toledo, one of my favorite cities in Spain.  During this celebration rosemary and thyme were thrown in the streets.  When I make this dish I think about being there and the beauty of that country.

Seasoned Pork
pork chops
dried rosemary
dried thyme
salt and pepper to taste

There are no measurements for the spices because I just sprinkle some on.  You can start with a little bit and increase it the next time if it wasn't flavorful enough for you.  I usually season one side and then throw them in the pan seasoned side down and then season the other side.  You could cook these in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil over medium heat for 5-6 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the pork.  It's also easy to put them under the broiler for 6-8 minutes on a side, again, depending on the thickness of your pork chops.  Better yet, toss them on the grill!

We used a rice pilaf mix from a box and steamed some broccoli.  If you haven't cooked broccoli before here's how I do it most of the time:  I put the broccoli in my 8x8 glass dish.  I put 1/4 cup water in the dish.  I cook it in the microwave (covered with a paper towel) for 4 minutes.  I mix it up and cook it for another 4 minutes.  Then I drain the water, add a little butter, salt and pepper and it's ready to go!

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