Thursday, September 10, 2015

Frozen Watermelon

What's better than watermelon in the summer? This "frozen watermelon!" My mother used to make this dessert. It was a favorite summer treat at our house. Finally, on the last weekend before school started this year I made time to make this for the boys. They loved it! It looks fancy, but it's really very easy.

Start with lime sherbet. Let the sherbet thaw for about 15 minutes. Then remove it from it's packaging and push it into a bowl. Make sure to go up the sides. Now put this bowl in the freezer.

Let your raspberry sherbet sit out for 15 minutes. Then put the sherbet in a different bowl and mix in the mini chocolate chips. I didn't use an entire bag. I just eyeballed it as I mixed them in.

Now you bring your lime sherbet bowl out of the freezer and fill it with the raspberry/chocolate chip sherbet. Doesn't it look like a half of a watermelon?! Put this bowl back in the freezer until it is completely frozen.

The tricky part is getting the sherbet out of the bowl. You can let it thaw a few minutes before serving. If it still doesn't want to come out you can put the bottom of the bowl in a little lukewarm water for a few seconds. This will thaw the bottom enough that when you flip the bowl over and pat the bottom of the bowl it should pop out easily. The best place to do this is on a cutting board. You'll want a long knife to cut the slices just like a watermelon. Delicious!

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